
Shipping timeframe :

  • All items ordered through this website shipped directly from MALAYSIA. Normally, order for items in stock can be expected to arrive at the destination address within 2-4 weeks depends on your location after confirmation of payment. Once the package has been shipped, you will be send a “Track and Trace” number by email.
  • Items ordered will be shipping using Economy international shipping. 
  • You can inform us if you need fast shipping option..

Payment :

  • Bank transfer & Paypal

Exchanges/returns/cancellations :

  • Our products are handmade custom items and small quantity products. Basically, return are not accepted. Therefore, please purchase only customer who understand custom items. In addition, when a product difference arrives, please contact us immediately if you have any problem. 
  • Please make payment within  48 hours from order submission otherwise your order will be cancel.
  • Please contact us immediately if you have any problem with your item.
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